Fire Lady Luck are set to play the Bunker on Saturday 2nd of December with Solstice and Bouquet of Thorns.

Who are Fire Lady Luck?
Fire Lady Luck are a 4 piece Pop Rock band from Sunderland. We have been a band now for over a decade playing all over the UK and parts of Europe. In that time we have released 3 albums and 5 EPs.
Who is your biggest inspiration and why?
I think between us as a band we all have different Inspirations or influences. Collectively though I think we all are just fans of live music. Nothing beats a fully live band on stage. Of course you have your favourite bands and bands you want to try and replicate whilst still being yourself.
Some of our favourite bands are Foo Fighters, AC DC, Social Distortion, Green Day, Red Hot Chilli Peppers to name a few. I think all these bands when you see them live put on a show rather than just playing their songs and I think that’s why we would class them as inspirations. Its all about creating an atmosphere and a visual show!
How did you start making music?
Well like we said earlier we have been a band for over a decade now so we all started very young. The band started in early secondary school, we would play the Battle of the Bands and perform at assembly’s, awards nights things like that. Then it just developed from there and we’ve never stopped since.
What have you/the band been up to recently?
We’ve been really busy this past year with gigs and studio time. Web played all across the UK, played the Holiday Centre circuit too which is a lot of fun! Aswel as that we’ve released 2 new song’s ‘Wise Guy’ and ‘Can You Hear Me?’. Both tracks are doing really well. We’ve just recently passed the 50,000 mark on Spotify for ‘Can You Hear Me?’ which is something we are super proud of!
What is your earliest musical memory?
For me personally (Lewis) it would be getting a ‘Live with Jools Holland DVD’ when I was a kid and watching all the bands on there and realising that is what I wanted to do. I picked up a guitar and learned each song from the DVD and tried to copy each frontman and what they were doing. That’s how the music obsession started!
What kind of people do you want to listen to your music?
I think there’s no specific ‘kind of people’. We have fans of all ages to be honest. I think that’s the key these days is to be relatable to all ages. For example, Its like some of our songs you get told by the younger fans that they relate to the lyrics whereas the older fans relate more towards the music side of things.
But it goes without saying if your a fan of and Pop Punk/Pop Rock band you’ll probably like us haha
What is the band’s dream gig line up?
Dream gig line up! Well there’s 2 festivals in Holland and Germany respectively called Pink Pop and Rock AM Ring. It would be a dream to play one of those and just be surrounded by the bands we grew up listening to. Any band we listed in an earlier question would be perfect. Of course we would headline though haha
Where do you see yourself in 2 years?
In an ideal world in 2 years we will be doing what we’re doing now just on a bigger scale. We gig loads, have some loyal fans, great songs and a good laugh so to be able to keep on doing that would be perfect!
What have you got coming up in the future?
With it being Christmas time any major travelling is pretty much done for the year. We do have a NYE gig at The Tan Hill Inn (Britain’s highest Inn) That’s always fun. But mainly it will all be next year, we will be planning some more travelling and have a few new releases planned.
Who is your favourite local artist and why?
Firstly we’d like to give a special shout out to the band ‘Solstice’, especially Tia and Jamie. They recently featured in our latest music video and were incredible. They are playing with us at The Bunker 2nd December. It would only be fair to give another shout out to the other support band on with us at The Bunker ‘Bouquet Of Thorns’. They are fairly new on their scene but we have known their bass player Connor for years. He used to come watch us years ago! They have a few really cool tracks and are worth a listen!